
11 Oct 2001

Start: 6:25pm </p><p> End: 7:24pm </p><p> Members Present: Zaphod, Rattles, Phorce Phed, Pacdemon, Ajax, Soloa, ZRodger, others </p><p>

  1. Our firewall is now running Smoothwall! </p><p>
  2. We are going to try to setup a Q&A session for when the new chair gets in and starts working. A lunch meeting with him may be nice too. </p><p>
  3. Wes is going to be moving after this semester. He found a USB webcam that works in Linux. He’s offered to setup Icecast and a donated Webcam and a microphone so that we can stream meetings and Wes can see them from where he’s moving. He will donate the webcam in exchange for the mounting brackets on the back of our rack-mount hub. </p><p>
  4. We need to return the Cadet Radio card. </p><p>
  5. Next week is a presentation on COM and the following week is a presentation on UML/Object Oriented something or other… </p><p>
  6. There’s a Soap Box Derby in front of the Bernhard Center every year during homecoming… we should participate one of these years. </p><p>
  7. ParInt hardware: they just received a ton of money. 1600 Mbit networking. The hardware is proprietary but has a latency decrease of a factor of 10 compared to standard network hardware. </p><p>
  8. Dr. Kaminski and Dr. Trenary both ask every time at department meetings where they’re going to stick us when the department moves. Thank you Dr. Kaminski and Dr. Trenary! </p>