
28 Jul 2005

Computer Club meeting minutes for 7/07/05
5 attended: Joe W., Chris, brian, Tim, and Ed.
Meeting begins 7:20PM

1) HAM radio class
It appears the majority of the class will be attending the test.
People feel scepticle about the Morse code test.

2) Bronco Bash
No new news.

3) Plan 4
we have a couple of fliars for PLAN 4, still awaiting approval.

4) Genral
club constitution still hasn’t been revision.
John (ham radio) received his gift cards.
brian needs to contact barb to get a list of CS major and minors to create a brochure for advertisement.
Tim suggests being cautious of the dorms.
The fliar and brochure should be an advertisement about the computer club, and welcoming new members to the computer club.
Fliaring should be done during the first week of school.
Sapl office mailbox needs to be checked regulary. J.W.’s responsibility.
The three student officers will be: Joe G., Matt R, Ed.
We should look into obsorbing the Ham radio club, and possibly other RSO’s.
we need to focus on club membership.
Brian can work on details on what all needs to be done for advertisement.

meeting ajourned 8:09PM