
14 Oct 2010

CCLUB Meeting
14 October 2010
2244 Kohrman Hall

President: rancor
VP: dwight
VP Finance: butters
Treasurer: cokezero
Secretary/WSA Rep: scrabble

1804 meeting opens

1805 butters made budget for spring PLAN

1815 sk8punk will run deep fryer at spring PLAN

1816 election speeches

1819 drc arrives

1827 deliberation commences

1831 wahkafaka elected as VP of Operations

1834 badwolf elected as VP of Public Relations

1838 elf elected as VP of Alumni Relations

1840 mike elected unopposed as Webmaster

1846 new tshirt design discussed

1848 chip voted to be included in new t-shirt

1852 zip-up sweater voted as style of hoodie

1900 8-bit text selected as text style on front

1901 interest in t-shirt pretty good

1904 general consent in wanting handles on hoodie

1905 switchblade says console plan will be free admission

1908 tournament fee set at $10 for console plan

1915 $90 allocated by vote to buy 3 gigabit switches

1916 meeting adjourns